Consortium at a glance

The PULSE Consortium has been built for success in terms of industry and academic excellence. To this end, we have brought together a Consortium with a truly European dimension, with eight beneficiaries from Italy, Spain, Finland, Greece, and Belgium. Our expertise is interdisciplinary, complementary and characterized by appropriateness of equipment and know-how on the following domains: plasma physics and manufacturing, computational physics, metamaterials physics and manufacturing, metamaterials ICT and antenna applications, system integration and test, quality assurance, numerical simulation, exploitation & dissemination.

The Consortium is composed of high-ranking universities (RM3, AALTO, UPM, UNIBO) with the availability of further resources, a major research institute (FORTH) with its own laboratories, and two SMEs (ALMA, ALPLA) with a strong R&D attitude. Furthermore, MVI as a worldwide organization focused on metamaterials has access to the widest network of research centres and industries in this field.

PULSE – Plasma reconfigUrabLe metaSurface tEchnologies

Project number: 101099313 Starting date: 1 March 2023