Metamorphose VI AISBL

Metamorphose VI AISBL

Partner description

The Virtual Institute for Artificial Electromagnetic Materials and Metamaterials, in short the “METAMORPHOSE VI AISBL“, is a non-for-profit International Association, whose purposes are the research, the study and the promotion of artificial electromagnetic materials and metamaterials.

The Association has been established in 2007 by the partners of the FP-6 Network of Excellence “METAMaterials ORganized for radio, millimetre wave, and PHOtonic Superlattice Engineering” – METAMORPHOSE NoE – funded by the European Commission in 2004-2008.

The METAMORPHOSE VI is an active network integrating, managing, and coordinating several research and spreading acitivites in the field of Artificial Electromagnetic Materials and Metamaterials. Among the other activities, the Association owns and organizes the Metamaterials Congress Series and the Doctoral Programmes on Metamaterials.

You are welcome to visit the website, send us your comments, and join the Association.

Role in the Project

The main role of Metamorphose VI within the project is to guide the Dissemination and Communication activities (WP4), which are devoted to:

  • Disseminating the main results of the project to the interested scientific communities and enable them to use the results in their own work.
  • Getting feedback from the peers about the obtained results and the expected next steps.
  • Encouraging students and junior researchers to pursue research on the topics of the project.

In addition, Metamorphose VI is responsible to derive analytical and semi-analytical models to analyze and design plasma-based and time-invariant metasurfaces and is involved in some of the other scientific tasks devoted to the physical investigations of metasurfaces and plasma physics.

Research Team Members

MIRKO BARBUTO is the Institutional Representative within the Virtual Institute for Artificial Electromagnetic Materials and Metamaterials (Metamorphose VI AISBL) of the “Niccolò Cusano” University, Rome, Italy, where he currently serves as an Associate Professor of electromagnetic field theory, and as the Director of the Applied Electromagnetic Laboratory.

His main research interests are in the framework of applied electromagnetics, with an emphasis on antennas and components at RF and microwaves, metamaterials and metasurfaces, topological properties of vortex and composite vortex fields, electromagnetic structures loaded with lumped circuits for non-linear or non-foster behaviors, and smart antennas for positioning and communication technology.

FILIBERTO BILOTTI is a Full Professor of electromagnetic field theory at Roma Tre University with the Department of Industrial, Electronic, and Mechanical Engineering. Since 2012, he has been the Director of the Antennas and Metamaterials Research Laboratory. He was a founding member of the Virtual Institute for Artificial Electromagnetic Materials and Metamaterials–METAMORPHOSE VI in 2007. He was elected as a member of the Board of Directors of the same society for two terms from 2007 to 2013; and as the President for two terms from 2013 to 2019. He currently serves the METAMORPHOSE VI as the Vice President and has been the Executive Director since 2019.

His main research interests include the analysis and design of microwave antennas and arrays and analytical modeling of artificial electromagnetic materials, metamaterials, and metasurfaces, including their applications at both microwave and optical frequencies. In the last 10 years, his main research interests include the development of intelligent nodes for smart electromagnetic environments; the modeling, design, implementation, and application of reconfigurable intelligent metasurfaces; the modeling and applications of (space and) time-varying metasurfaces; the topological-based design of antennas supporting structured field; the analysis and design of cloaking metasurfaces for antenna systems; the concept of meta-gratings and related applications in optics and at microwaves; the modeling and applications of optical metasurfaces.

STEFANO VELLUCCI received the B.S. and M.S. degrees (summa cum laude) in electronic engineering and the Ph.D. degree in applied electronics from ROMA TRE University, Rome, Italy, in 2012, 2015, and 2019, respectively. He is currently a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the “Niccolò Cusano” University and a member of the the Virtual Institute for Artificial Electromagnetic Materials and Metamaterials (Metamorphose VI AISBL).

His current research interests include the design and applications of artificially engineered materials and metamaterials to RF and microwave components, nonlinear and reconfigurable circuit-loaded metasurfaces for radiating structures, analysis, and design of metasurface-based cloaking devices for antennas.

PULSE – Plasma reconfigUrabLe metaSurface tEchnologies

Project number: 101099313 Starting date: 1 March 2023