Alma Sistemi

Alma Sistemi

Partner description

ALMA Sistemi Srl ( is an Italian SME established in 2005 in Guidonia (Rome, Italy) providing high level engineering and management consultancy in the space and defence markets.

ALMA provides services and products in the area of Electrical, Mechanical and Software Engineering and Analysis as well as System Engineering, Business Development, Project and Proposal Management.

The activities of ALMA are focused on industrial projects covering added value services in the space market including engineering for GSE equipment for satellites and payloads, Earth Observation and Navigation Applications, scientific instrumentation business development and Project Management support. ALMA is also involved in a number of international RTD projects funded by ESA, Italian Space Agency and EU.

Activities are carried out by Alessio Di Iorio, Managing Director with the support of a core team of 16 high skilled engineers (80% with Master degree in Aerospace, Physics and IT) and a network of professionals engaged time by time on a project basis.

From 2005 ALMA operates in high-value, high technology areas focusing on helping clients to exploit new technologies and management styles. Its proven expertise has been gained from performing a broad range of projects in the: Aerospace, Engineering and Research sectors. These include helping research organisations and industries to identify potential opportunities, make project proposal, development plan and implement new products and services.

ALMA also provide engineering solutions and services to industries and research centres in the space market covering Engineering, Management, ICT and software development.

ALMA provides solutions and services in:

  • System Engineering;
  • Mechanical design;
  • Thermo-Mechanical Engineering and Analysis;
  • Electrical/Electronic Engineering
  • Software Engineering;
  • Software Product Assurance and CADM;
  • Business Development;
  • Project and Proposal Management.

The areas covered by ALMA are:

  • Ground Segment Check–out equipment (EGSE, MGSE) for satellite and payloads.
  • Research and Technology development projects.
  • Added value services in the space market.

ALMA is certified ISO 9001:2015 by DV-NL auditors. ALMA Sistemi S.r.l is registered in the ESA INDUSTRY directory of the Agency with the relevant ESA Bidder Code 13777 and ESA-p vendor code 1000014600. ALMA Sistemi is a member of Italian association of Space Companies (AIPAS).

Role in the Project

The main role of ALMA Sistemi s.r.l. within the project is:

  • Defining the effective manufacturing processes and characterization setups for plasma metadevices. Simple plasma-based structures will be realized and tested to cross-validate the numerical models and simulation approches (WP1)
  • Manufacturing a plasma-based metasurface lens and a plasma-based metagrating lens for an aperture antenna. The realized reconfigurable demonstrators will be experimentally tested through the setup defined in WP1. The results will be compared with the requirements and the numerical simulations (WP2)
  • Experimental characterization of the microwave component realized during task 3.3 (WP3).
  • Production of an experimental demonstrator of shape-varying metadevices. The behaviour of the demonstrator will be confirmed through a proper set of measurements and by numerical validation of the results achieved (WP3)
  • Exploitation (WP4)
  • Supporting UNIRM3 for the reporting and the organization of the project reviews and deliverables (WP5)

Team Members

ALESSIO DI IORIO, Project Manager and CEO at ALMA Sistemi Srl (, Degree in Physics and Master in IT, has been working for more than 14 years, full time in the space market, and another 20 years shared between Space, Research and Development and Information Technology. Di Iorio is CEO and major stakeholder of ALMA Sistemi. His personal background experience in Project Management and engineering in space covers software design, development and deployment in several fields including image processing, Earth Observation applications, navigation and Science. He also shows an extensive background in R&D, science and Information Technology in both space and non-space applications acquired by participating to several programs and projects and supported by a background education in Physics, a Master in Information Technology and other training courses in business administration, management, software development and standards, Earth Observation and IT applications. Alessio Di Iorio has been project manager of several ESA, ASI and EU projects. Full CV can be downloaded at Europass CV (

ROBERTO FILIPPONE, Project Manager and Senior System Engineer at ALMA. Main technical qualification: System Analyst in space and defense field, with 25 years experiences in satellite navigation applications, real-time/embedded software, C2 systems, and communication protocols. His experience ranges from Team Leading to System Engineering and System Architecture, in the above-mentioned areas. In the last years also covered important roles in System Integration and Verification activities in the frame of Copernicus (PRISM), GALILEO, COSMO Second Generation, NATO Alliance Ground Surveillance, NATO Multilateral Interoperability programs and other minor R&D programs in space and defense fields. He also deeply experienced ECSS, GALILEO SW Standard, MIL-STD-498, DOD-STD-2167A, CMMI and other program-specific standards for documents and processes. He is involved in various EGSE design projects and innovative applications like plasma and meta-material antennas for secure satellite navigation for both aerial and land vehicles. He participated to the analysis and design of scientific instruments for the planetary exploration based on X-ray diffractometry (XRD/XRF for EXOMARS mission) and X-Ray excited luminescence (sediments dating with luminescence technique), He covers the role of head of Strategic Business Unit for the electronic engineering (EGSE) and ICT. He is also responsible for the internal Quality Management System, taking care of all the company quality process and product assurance. Directly supports the CEO in the definition of the technological development strategies.

GIULIA DI IORIO  received the B.S. and M.S. degree in Chemical Engineering (2013) and Nanotechnology Engineering (2017) at Sapienza University (Rome, Italy) in 2013 and 2017, respectively. In 2023 she received the Ph.D degree in Materials and Nanotechnology Engineering, with a research project focused on the manufacturing and characterization of environmental barrier coatings based on rare earth silicates for gas turbine engines having components made of SiC/SiC. She is currently a R&D Engineer at ALMA Sistemi s.r.l. where she is involved in various research and development projects focused on plasma and meta-material antennas for secure satellite navigation and the development of scientific instruments based on luminescence.

TOMMASO MUROLO is an R&D Engineer at ALMA Sistemi S.r.l. , with a focus on developing and maintaining embedded systems’ software. He received his B.S. in aerospace engineering in 2020, and is currently an active M.S. researcher in turbulence at the Georgia Institute of Technology, USA.

PULSE – Plasma reconfigUrabLe metaSurface tEchnologies

Project number: 101099313 Starting date: 1 March 2023