PULSE – Plasma reconfigUrabLe metaSurface tEchnologies

Welcome to the PULSE project!

PULSE is a European Project funded under the call EIC Pathfinder Open 2022, pursuing the ambitious goal of defining a new technological horizon for implementing reconfigurable electromagnetic devices by unifying the research domains of METASURFACES with PLASMA physics.

EM reconfigurability represents a key enabling technology for future wireless systems, as it allows changing in real time the functionalities and the signature of a device, allowing to use it for different purposes and to react promptly against external attacks or to be adapted to different environmental constraints or conditions. Unfortunately, the current technological paradigms enabling reconfigurability are not suitable for the next generation of communication systems, as they are affected by severe intrinsic technological limitations in terms of maximum operation frequency, tunability speed and depth, and integration complexity. In this project, we propose to overcome these limitations by defining a radically new paradigm, based on the fascinating findings of plasma physics and metasurfaces.

PULSE – Plasma reconfigUrabLe metaSurface tEchnologies

Project number: 101099313 Starting date: 1 March 2023